All Trumped Up?

All Trumped Up?

It seems as if the markets have continued powering ahead in spite of Trump’s aggressive and sometimes rather incoherent tweets. In fact, since Trump’s election on 8 November 2016, the MSCI World Index has risen by roughly 17% in USD. Some, in fact, attribute the...
Warren Buffet’s Bet

Warren Buffet’s Bet

This year-end will see the finalisation of Warren Buffet’s most famous bet. In 2008 Mr. Buffet bet a hedge fund manager USD1m that a passive investment in the S&P500 Index would outperform a basket of hedge funds over a 10 year period ending 31 Dec 2017. As at...
South Africa’s “Junk Status”

South Africa’s “Junk Status”

Recently an article appeared in the Business Day about the Public Investment Corporation (PIC). They believe that a further sovereign downgrade of South Africa by the main credit ring agencies is highly likely due to the low local economic growth coupled with low...