
The Dark Side of Social Media

Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse – Sophocles 406 BC J. Robert Oppenheimer headed up The Manhattan Project, responsible for the research and design of the atomic bomb during WWII.  A major concern of his prior to the Trinity Test was...

Watches & Wonders

How wonderful are watches? Time personified in a little machine on your wrist. From Jewelry to Timekeeping Wristwatches are a relatively new phenomenon. Prior to World War I wristwatches were primarily worn by women, and they were called ‘’wristlets’’. They weren’t...

Classic Signs of Speculation – GMO

In a recent article GMO noted that more than half of U.S. Growth stocks have negative earnings, yet Growth stocks have dramatically outperformed in the past few years. Please click on the link below to read the original article. Chart 1: % of Russell 3000 Growth...

Piggybacking off of the collective

A benefit of a collective investment scheme (CIS) There are benefits to investing in a collective investment scheme (CIS) (also called a unit trust or mutual fund) relative to an individual share of a listed business in a post-tax discretionary investment account. The...