The Goldilocks Zone

The Goldilocks Zone

2018 has been a tough year for investors across all major equity indices. Year-to-date up to 30/11/2018 the MSCI All Countries World Index (ACWI)is down 2.30%. During these bouts of volatility, a common topic for debate has typically been that a switch out of equities...
The October Effect

The October Effect

Last month was a difficult month for global markets where the ‘October Effect’ was in full force. Simply put, the ‘’October Effect’’ is a theory that stocks tend to decline during the month of October. The events that have given October the reputation for stock losses...
Paul Allen’s Wild Ride

Paul Allen’s Wild Ride

Last month was a tough market for both equity and fixed income investors with the MSCI ACWI declining 0.1% and the major global fixed income index (ICE BofAML Global Broad Market) declining 0.5%.  In particular, we saw a further decline in some of the large cap...
Blissful Billionaire

Blissful Billionaire

In the most recent issue of Forbes magazine one of the world’s most famous reality television stars and member of the Kardashian family, Kylie Jenner, was featured on the magazine’s front cover. What is quite remarkable is that she has managed to amass an estimated...